The app updates tutorials in detail for Excel, SPSS, SAS and R-Projects. Basic concepts on Statistics are explained. The detail steps on all statistical data analysis are explained with step by step procedure.Features of Statistical methods using SoftwaresBasic hypothesis testingBootstrappingCluster analysisData access and managementData preparationGraphs and chartsHelp centerLinear regressionOne-way ANOVAOutput managementProgrammability extensionROC analysisSupport for R/PythonT-TestChi-Square TestCorrelationANOVARegressionNonparametric TestsBasic Editing :- Computing New Variables- Recoding Variables- String Variables- Merging Data Files- Restructuring Data- Date Variables- Time and Datetime VariablesDisclaimer :The articles helps in understanding and using the statistical softwares for data analysis. This app is not associated with the sofware developer, primary intention is to demonstrate the user with basic steps.